This is a Substack by and for friends & students of master astrologer John Sandbach, and anyone with a passion for astrology.
It was created at 06:52:55am on 21 April 2024. The timing of the local chart was considered, which has Jupiter-Uranus exactly conjunct the 22 Taurus Ascendant. But when relocated to the Great Pyramid at Giza (29°N58’45”, 31E08’03”; 06:52:55 BST = 05:52:55 UT), the Ascendant is 14° Gemini 19’.
The N. Node of Uranus (12° Gemini 11’) is cnj the Ascendant. The 11th house is packed, including the Sun, Venus on the 20 Aries eclipse degree cnj Chiron, and Mercury Rx cnj both its own S. Node and the lunar N. Node.
The Moon in 2 Libra (both with and without parallax correction) is in the 4th by equal houses and 5th by whole sign houses. It’s the space ruler* and cutting edge handle planet of the metamorphic/bucket chart. The Moon’s declination is closely conjunct the celestial equator at 0°N13’.
Ellias Lonsdale says the cutting edge planet “becomes completely different to what planets ever are, becoming unlimited and free. It bursts out of all restrictions and constructs and becomes totally empowered…it has the most powerful drive of any possible factor in a chart. Total metamorphosis is possible, from a caterpillar to a butterfly”.
The Ascendant degree, 15 Gemini, is all about communication, its title being: “Awareness of the wholeness of all experience reveals profound and universal connections everywhere”.
The Chandra Symbol is ‘People gathering salt from the ocean’.
“You seek that which is essential and connects us all to our common core, so that our community action may be based on an awareness of what unites us in seeking the common goal of enlightenment”.
The Pleiadian Symbol is ‘Words from a conversation drift up into the sky and are carried away by winds’.
“You spontaneously expand communication into larger and wider ramifications as a means of promoting potential for deeper and finer understanding, even though chaos may be the immediate result. The dialog you foster is bound to get out of control and lose its limits, which can be tremendously enriching and exciting.”
The Omega Symbol is ‘A magician’s tower looms above the surrounding landscape’.
“You’re always aware of what’s missing in communication…always trying to get a broader, wider perspective on communication by bringing in just the right notes and energies to open it up further and bring in the most needed messages from spirit.”
And the Azoth Symbol is ‘Drummers creating complex overlays of rhythms’.
“You know how to turn conflict into a kind of mutual coexistence of energies, so that diverse ideas come to enhance and highlight each other rather than having to vie for being right or correct.”
The Sun-Moon phase angle is a waxing 149°32’ inconjunct, giving a phase 13 Jupiter Star of Destiny.
Urania, the astrologers’ asteroid, is exactly conjunct the lunar S. Node in the 5th house, opposing Mercury and square the Part of Spirit.
All in all, we have an interesting chart to plumb the depths of :)
Why now?
Why are we launching this now, and how do we envisage it unfolding?
Back in January we started exploring the possibility of expanding the Blue Marmot Group and setting up on the Mighty Networks platform. Then Saturn gave us pause for thought and it seemed to make sense to start small without financial risks or commitments, and see if it will grow organically.
Whilst Substack lacks the rich features of Mighty Networks, it gives us an opportunity to get some creativity flowing and see where it leads…maybe back to a Mighty Network at some point in the future.
What’s it all about?
The degree symbols of The Circular Temple provide the main theme of this substack and most articles will reference them.
Astrology is of course the wider focus, and beyond that, all things esoteric. But degree symbols are the main focus.
Ysette and I have agreed to co-edit the substack and John will make occasional contributions. We’d like it to provide a platform for different authors to share their articles within these loose guidelines. If you feel inspired to write an article please send it to one or both of us. We’re not sure exactly how it’s going to work at this stage, but we’ll find out as we go along.
We don’t want to flood your inboxes with newsletters. We’ll aim to produce a new article before the next new moon on 8 May at 17° Libra 59’ (18° Libra 02” without parallax correction).
Paul, Ysette & John
* John Sandbach proposes that the “space ruler” is the planet (Sun-Pluto) with the most empty space around it. It has added power because it has to work harder to bridge the gaps to neighbouring planets.
Love the 11th house stellium, it all sings of networking potentials. What do you think of Moon opposite Neptune here, and Moon conjunct the M87 huge black hole? I look forward to delving into this chart further.
I am so happy to see this happening. That Aquarian house full of potential. The face, if you will, being the cosmic, magical Gemini. Part of the Butterfly Clan, fluttering from group to group making everyone feel welcomed. And across there ruling the relationship house, free-spirited Sagittarius always looking for mates to go on a vision quest with. Some powerful energy you got going here<3